❤️❤️NEW ARRIVALS Friday March 14th @ 3 PM EST/12 PM PST ❤️❤️
It's been a while that I have posted in this blog but it is the one-year anniversary of the website so I believe this warrants a post! :)
For all those considering opening up a vintage shop, here are some tips about vintage selling that I have learned:
1. When you go to an estate sale, DO NOT buy everything you see. Be selective. Just because something is inexpensive, it doesn't mean it's worth it. Find pieces that inspire you and buy pieces you like and don't mind having around if it doesn't sell quickly.
2. Do not think you can fix everything. My to-do pile is literally piling up to the ceiling because I keep thinking I will get to it. My mistake was buying pieces that I thought were fixable, but they ended up being very tedious and time-consuming.
3. Set a budget or limit on how much you will spend for a piece. Remember not all pieces sell and you might end up with it in your inventory for quite a while.
5. Running a vintage store, you are the photographer, seamstress, poster, marketer, launderer, packager, etc. Remember to give yourself a salary. I went a whole year without paying myself to grow my inventory. It was difficult, but luckily, I have a supportive husband.
6. Package your items to reflect your brand. Your customers trusted you enough to buy your pieces online without trying it on so the least you can do is make their package pretty and presentable.
7. Have fun, take it easy, and if you need a few days off, your customers won't mind waiting a few more days if it isn't urgent.
I hope that helps anyone out there thinking about opening a vintage shop. It's one of the hardest job I have had, but also the most rewarding!
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Gowoon Choi
February 11, 2015
Thank you so much for your invaluable comments! It really helps me a lot.
My sixty-four thousand dollar question is where you find these gorgeous items but I guess this is the very secret of you can never share (;
Hope your shop prosper, I love your dresses soooooo much.
from Seoul, South Korea